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The Latest Research in ProBiotic Suplements

Q. Are we dependent on bacteria? Could we survive without them?

A. We would not survive without Bacteria in our GI systems. We need both good and dangerous bacteria in our gut! The good help the Digestion and Immune systems function properly and the dangerous bacteria keep challenging the system to make it capable for (almost) any foreign attack.

Q. What are Probiotic’s?

A. Probiotic means “for life”

Probiotic’s are the outside man-induced source of the necessary bacteria that we know should be living and helping us in our Gastro Intestinal systems.

Q: With a chron's patient they tend to have immediate Bowl movements after ingesting anything, and most notice than a supplement of probiotics it can quicken the movement even more. Is this likely happening because of the lack of survival of the bacteria?

A. Yes, that is part of it. The dead bacterial debris can hasten motility of the gut. Also, in some cases these dead bacteria can increase inflammation as well, which causes faster movements.

Q. Discuss disadvantages of not being breast fed.

A. Breast feeding is part of bacterial inoculation for the infant. It is part of the process of exposing the infant to a diversity of bacteria from mom. Non breast fed children miss out on this immune building step. Your other questions will be covered

FACT: Steve, children who are no breast fed have over a 50% increased risk of immune dysfunction. Things like allergies, asthma, eczema, etc.

Q. Many moms now are pumping milk instead of regular breastfeeding. How does this change inocculation?

A. The issue is whether the bacteria can remain stable until the pumped milk is consumed. I'm not familiar with any studies, but you would have to assume some if not all the bacteria would not survive.

Pumping and actual nursing have the same effect on inoculation. The big difference is the connection between mother and child and the production of milk. Pumping doesn’t have the same stimulatory effect on the mammary glands.

Q. When do we first develop bacteria in our bodies?

A. From our mom’s: the birth canal is loaded with good bacteria (400-600 kinds) for all of our orifices to get coated in as we pass through, giving us added protection from the new environment. Then we get regular doses from breast feeding. For the six months to a year or so we have identical bacteria to what our mothers have, as we develop the bacteria do what they do best and they multiply and differentiate. The more variations we have the better suited to defend foreign organisms.

No two people (adults) have the same species of bacteria in their body.

As we are exposed to other foods and environments we collect more bacteria’s both good and bad for us.

Q. Can we assume that probiotics from fermented foods like saurkraut, kefir, kvass, etc, also don't survive to reach the large intestine, like yogurts studied?

A. Correct. Like yogurt the bacteria in fermented foods do not survive the stomach acid and if they did you still have a fitness issue in that they can't survive in the anaerobic environment.

Q. What about enteric coated probiotics? Do they survive stomach acidic environment?

A. Enteric coated helps survival past the stomach. You still have an aerobic organism in an anaerobic environment. No evolutionary significance as enteric coated was created by man. Nowhere in our environment are we exposed to enteric coated bacteria

Q. So the spores are adaptogenic and will populate the GIT with whatever beneficial bacteria the gut needs?

A. Right, the spores eliminate bad bacteria and produce nutrients to increase the growth of your natural, endogenous lacto and bifido. They measure and control the population.

Q. How is it known that spores work better than the commonly seen probiotics in stores now?

  • Probiotic’s are difficult to keep alive due to the low pH of the Stomach acid. The best way is to do a gastric study. Making sure the probiotic is low pH resistant.

Q. What is the right number of bacteria to have?

A. There are 1000 species of bacteria named and identified and over 35,000 species possibly but not confirmed currently. Each bacteria has a unique set of genes (that are 150 times more complicated than a Human gene). The right number of bacteria to have is the most possible that your system is capable of hosting.

Q. What does it take to have a health GI system?

A. Bacterial Diversity & good population, Immune system functioning, proper diet, low exposure to infections and contamination, disease free.

*Problems happen with immune dysfunction, infection, aging, toxins are introduced…

Q. Why aren’t the “normal” probiotic’s working, or working well enough?

A. They are limited by the way we have to get them in to the GI tract. Ingestion (swallowing) means the probiotics have to survive in the acidic environment of your stomach. Suppositories are more effective, but as the word suggests we as a population are as likely to keep up with this method of application unless it’s the only effective way. Most studies have shown that ingestion of probiotics have a 20-50% survival rate through the stomach acid and an only 16% make it into the lower small intestines, and only 13% make it into the large intestines. It still has to attach somewhere on the lining of the intestinal wall. Overall the best success rate of adherence is 38% when introduced in the best optimum conditions.

There is where it then has to start it’s really work. Its main goal is to reproduce (re-sporulation), then it has beneficial effects on our GI tract. Stimulates mesenteric Glands, increase T-cell production, the Peyer’s patch (important to the immune system), increase the protection against repeating the same infection. This increases the body’s response time to infections and diseases. They also; change the pH to a more digestible level for us, identifies foreign invaders as well to help signal our white blood cells of a problem, and decreases the inflammation. Spores ensure and longer lasting survival of the bacteria and their effects!

Q. Does Yogurt probiotics survive?

A. Studies have not been able to prove that any survive into the intestines. Normally because of the way they are made… (Bacteria are anaerobic) Yogurts are made in an aerobic environment and the bacteria are less likely to survive.

Q. Why Probiotics in Spores?

A. Spores are bacteria’s natural form of transportation and safety! Spores are Natural, Found in natural and activated to open in natural ways. Spores are the “cave to hibernate in” for bacteria when times are tough.

Naturally spores sense the environment to see if it’s safe or even right for the bacteria to have a chance at survival. The stomach in our bodies has the keys to open it once the spore gets past the acidic into the more neutral areas of the intestines. This reaction and opening happens within 8 minutes of ingestion!

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