Adjusting Health Naturally
231 Blue Ravine Rd #200 Folsom CA, 95630
Rourke Chiropractic Corp.

List for products
As a health care provider I do my best to find the products that are safe and healthy! My intention is not to make my living on selling products, only to give you the peace of mind that anything I have in my office I have personally researched and tried myself.
The IntelliPillows I couldn't sleep without!
The Nordic Products are great tasting especially the gummies! Best in the market for Omega Oils!
Rock Tape Lasts and supports!
MEGA SporeBiotics: Amazing new research is out about the success rate of probiotics! Stop paying for unproductive probitotics! Read more on my research page!
Advocare: yummy new flavors are coming out all the time. It's a great way to make sure you're getting enough of the right calories while helping you reach weight and health goals!
Nordic Naturals

MEGA SporeBiotic
Daily vitamins Plus!
Nordic Gummies 200 (vitamins)
Omega gummies (120-childrens)
Children fish gummies (36 day supply).
Vitamin C (60 Gummies).
Probiotics (30 day supply)
Pro-omega Joint Xtra (90 gels)
Artic Cod liver Oil (90 soft gels)
Omega Vit D(90 gels)
Pro EFA (junior/adult)(90 Gels)
DHA (junior/adult) (180 Gels)
One of the most effective probiotics!

Rice Heat Packs(Microwavable)............$ 5.00
Large over the shoulders.........$ 7.00
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